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Old Oct 26, 2009, 12:40 AM // 00:40   #41
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hehe we got 62 wins :P
Then our mesmer decided to go afk ~~

I dunno how to post pics here so I put in a link ^^
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 12:49 AM // 00:49   #42
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Hahaha impressive....

i actually have not lost a game yet, i leave every streak lol...

longest i have had i believe is 16 then i left...i get tired of being with people for too long lol...
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 12:53 AM // 00:53   #43
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3. I decided not to play this year because of the clear imbalance of sins.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 01:13 AM // 01:13   #44
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True dat.

just got a 16 win streak, syncers got us.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 01:57 AM // 01:57   #45
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8 wins here again. Had a decent team actually, but not everyone plays smart all the time and that's the problem haha.

Probably gonna see a lot more r5 and 6 gamers after this though.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:01 AM // 02:01   #46
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Originally Posted by Scythe O F Glory View Post
3. I decided not to play this year because of the clear imbalance of sins.
True. The Instant teleport/instant knockdown that they do in PvP needs to seriously be nerfed to hell.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:23 AM // 02:23   #47
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The event started! I went in and got till 15 wins with that first team at the start of the event. And then...... A new build. So that ended my spree. got to love updates. Haven't done it again yet but will get those last 45 points for my first skill title. So no rush only 45 more points
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:36 AM // 02:36   #48
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This year it seems painfully annoying to get a good group, so far only 19 consecutive. There are so many fail-at-guild wars players who come for the special events that its hardly worth playing them anymore:
  • We say stick together - the one monk runs to the enemy mob and roj's them every spawn
  • The score is 12-18 and the rest of the team decided to turn away from the enemy group and try to cap to catch up
  • The score is 0-11 and its obvious we arnt going to win, and the one person decides not to resign
  • People who play necromancers
  • Elementalists who dont use BS on the warrior attacking them
  • People who decide to follow you to the shrine at the beginning and then turn around right before they reach it
  • People who load halfway through the game (/uninstall)
  • Again, people who play necromancers
  • People who follow you to cap but don't go within the capping radius
  • Warriors who try to use a sword
  • People who.... hell just necromancers
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:41 AM // 02:41   #49
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Originally Posted by Arcole View Post
This year it seems painfully annoying to get a good group, so far only 19 consecutive. There are so many fail-at-guild wars players who come for the special events that its hardly worth playing them anymore:
  • We say stick together - the one monk runs to the enemy mob and roj's them every spawn
  • The score is 12-18 and the rest of the team decided to turn away from the enemy group and try to cap to catch up
  • The score is 0-11 and its obvious we arnt going to win, and the one person decides not to resign
  • People who play necromancers
  • Elementalists who dont use BS on the warrior attacking them
  • People who decide to follow you to the shrine at the beginning and then turn around right before they reach it
  • People who load halfway through the game (/uninstall)
  • Again, people who play necromancers
  • People who follow you to cap but don't go within the capping radius
  • Warriors who try to use a sword
  • People who.... hell just necromancers
Necros really are bad this year, its annoying when you get one on your team.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:42 AM // 02:42   #50
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Originally Posted by Scythe O F Glory View Post
3. I decided not to play this year because of the clear imbalance of sins.
Cry moar Soggy.....

anyways, best streak was 29 last night, 3 sins 2 monks, 2 sins split up rest went together, capped then steamrolled through the enemies...sins are hard to kill with HB and JI stacked on them.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:48 AM // 02:48   #51
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Highest prolly 4 or 5

Highest losing streak 20+
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 02:55 AM // 02:55   #52
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Originally Posted by Scythe O F Glory View Post
3. I decided not to play this year because of the clear imbalance of sins.
I love it when I am on my monk when I see a sin coming I get HB up and whe I he is close I use smite condtion cus ofc he is using palm strike. Therefore his second attack fails cus I am no longer crippeld. then lol for a sec at him still using his dual attack I mean you off-hand didn't works so why use a deal attack... Then a nice RoJ I mean 99% don't think like wow he's casting RoJ, lets walk away out of its area for a sec. Instead they keep attacking and when they decide to bail cus RoJ is killing them I already hit him with bane sig so he is down and can't bail (evil laugh) And then a bansih to finish him off. (bit harder if monks or Rits are close)

So let the sins come cus half don't know how to play them.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 03:44 AM // 03:44   #53
Frost Gate Guardian
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11 consec on 2 sins 2 monks and a mes, we lost the 12th becasue someone left and the person we pulled was trying to sinc so he left as well.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 03:52 AM // 03:52   #54
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Only about nine or ten. The team kind of fell apart when someone said they were leaving at the end of the match, I mentioned that we all had our balth faction maxed out, and someone else joked that we'd probably lose anyway.

Ah, the power of words.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 05:23 AM // 05:23   #55
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Yeah it's kind of funny about the skill level in CB. I' faced maybe 5 good players in the 3 hours or so that I played. There might have been more, but you don't really notice the good players as much when you're ganked by 3 people, they all could be bad players, doesn't matter when it's 3vs1.

But rarely did I face sins who SoMed. One of them I did face SoMed but I was running so I just blinded him again and then cripple came off. I faced a lot of blind the caster elementalists, and some who even blinded my sin. I don't know why the bother tbh, oh wait that's because half the sins in CB don't even sig of malice when they are blind haha. In fact the only class that's screwed by blind is warrior.

Still I had a hard time getting more than 3 wins till that 8 in a row. Where I actually had people that were somewhat good and knew how and what to kill. For the most part at least, I always had to get stuck with 1 or 2 people that charged a group of 5. I'm like WTF dude run away! I think most people seem to be ashamed to run away or something, it's a great tactic if you're outnumbered or out skilled, why die and give them points just gtfo of Dodge.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 05:39 AM // 05:39   #56
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17 wins today, 2 rits, 1 warrior, 1 assassin, and 1 ranger (me)

we lost due to losing 2 people that maxed thier faction and wanted to go cash it in, picked up two inexperienced players and lost 20-1 :\
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 05:54 AM // 05:54   #57
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Originally Posted by To Chicken To Die View Post
I love it when I am on my monk when I see a sin coming I get HB up and whe I he is close I use smite condtion cus ofc he is using palm strike. Therefore his second attack fails cus I am no longer crippeld. then lol for a sec at him still using his dual attack I mean you off-hand didn't works so why use a deal attack... Then a nice RoJ I mean 99% don't think like wow he's casting RoJ, lets walk away out of its area for a sec. Instead they keep attacking and when they decide to bail cus RoJ is killing them I already hit him with bane sig so he is down and can't bail (evil laugh) And then a bansih to finish him off. (bit harder if monks or Rits are close)

So let the sins come cus half don't know how to play them.
Lolz, that just made my day XD

My highest winning streak is only 1, left after the first game because I had to eat dinner :/
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 05:59 AM // 05:59   #58
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Had to leave a team at 23 wins, they're probably still doing just fine without me. Me on my warrior, three sins and a monk - one of the sins and the monk were in the same guild, so I guess I had lucked into a sync :/
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 06:07 AM // 06:07   #59
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I just go into the korean dists so that I can join up with syncers and make them angry. Hey at least I'm making ToT bags.
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Old Oct 26, 2009, 08:02 AM // 08:02   #60
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12-13 wins max because people kept leaving/dcing. Far too many people with leeroy proclivities. Had one game where a certain ranger managed to die about 6-7 times...
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